Facultate | Ciclu | Forma | Specializare/Traseu | Promotia | | | | |
CIG | LICENŢĂ LICENCE | LA DISTANŢĂ DISTANCE LEARNING | Contabilitate si informatica de gestiune Accounting and Management Information Systems | 2024-2027 |
CIG | LICENŢĂ LICENCE | LA DISTANŢĂ DISTANCE LEARNING | Contabilitate si informatica de gestiune Accounting and Management Information Systems | 2023-2026 |
CIG | LICENŢĂ LICENCE | LA DISTANŢĂ DISTANCE LEARNING | Contabilitate si informatica de gestiune Accounting and Management Information Systems | 2022-2025 |
CIG | LICENŢĂ LICENCE | LA DISTANŢĂ DISTANCE LEARNING | Contabilitate si informatica de gestiune Accounting and Management Information Systems | 2021-2024 |
CIG | LICENŢĂ LICENCE | LA DISTANŢĂ DISTANCE LEARNING | Contabilitate si informatica de gestiune Accounting and Management Information Systems | 2020-2023 |
CIG | LICENŢĂ LICENCE | LA DISTANŢĂ DISTANCE LEARNING | Contabilitate si informatica de gestiune Accounting and Management Information Systems | 2019-2022 |
CIG | LICENŢĂ LICENCE | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate si informatica de gestiune (Engleza) Accounting and management information systems (English) | 2024-2027 |
CIG | LICENŢĂ LICENCE | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate si informatica de gestiune (Engleza) Accounting and management information systems (English) | 2023-2026 |
CIG | LICENŢĂ LICENCE | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate si informatica de gestiune (Engleza) Accounting and management information systems (English) | 2022-2025 |
CIG | LICENŢĂ LICENCE | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate si informatica de gestiune (Engleza) Accounting and management information systems (English) | 2021-2024 |
CIG | LICENŢĂ LICENCE | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate si informatica de gestiune (Engleza) Accounting and management information systems (English) | 2020-2023 |
CIG | LICENŢĂ LICENCE | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate si informatica de gestiune (Engleza) Accounting and management information systems (English) | 2019-2022 |
CIG | LICENŢĂ LICENCE | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate si informatica de gestiune Accounting and Management Information Systems | 2024-2027 |
CIG | LICENŢĂ LICENCE | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate si informatica de gestiune Accounting and Management Information Systems | 2023-2026 |
CIG | LICENŢĂ LICENCE | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate si informatica de gestiune Accounting and Management Information Systems | 2022-2025 |
CIG | LICENŢĂ LICENCE | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate si informatica de gestiune Accounting and Management Information Systems | 2021-2024 |
CIG | LICENŢĂ LICENCE | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate si informatica de gestiune Accounting and Management Information Systems | 2020-2023 |
CIG | LICENŢĂ LICENCE | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate si informatica de gestiune Accounting and Management Information Systems | 2019-2022 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Analiza financiara si evaluare Financial analysis and valuation | 2024-2026 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Analiza financiara si evaluare Financial analysis and valuation | 2023-2025 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Analiza financiara si evaluare Financial analysis and valuation | 2022-2024 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Analiza financiara si evaluare Financial analysis and valuation | 2021-2023 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Analiza financiara si evaluare Financial analysis and valuation | 2020-2022 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Concepte si practici de audit la nivel national si international Auditing concepts and practices at national and international levels | 2024-2026 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Concepte si practici de audit la nivel national si international Auditing concepts and practices at national and international levels | 2023-2025 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Concepte si practici de audit la nivel national si international Auditing concepts and practices at national and international levels | 2022-2024 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Concepte si practici de audit la nivel national si international Auditing concepts and practices at national and international levels | 2021-2023 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Concepte si practici de audit la nivel national si international Auditing concepts and practices at national and international levels | 2020-2022 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate internationala International accounting | 2024-2026 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate internationala International accounting | 2023-2025 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate internationala International accounting | 2022-2024 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate internationala International accounting | 2021-2023 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate internationala International accounting | 2020-2022 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate, audit si informatica de gestiune Accounting, auditing and management information systems | 2024-2026 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate, audit si informatica de gestiune Accounting, auditing and management information systems | 2023-2025 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate, audit si informatica de gestiune Accounting, auditing and management information systems | 2022-2024 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate, audit si informatica de gestiune Accounting, auditing and management information systems | 2021-2023 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate, audit si informatica de gestiune Accounting, auditing and management information systems | 2020-2022 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate, audit si informatica de gestiune (Engleza) Accounting, auditing and management information systems (English) | 2024-2026 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate, audit si informatica de gestiune (Engleza) Accounting, auditing and management information systems (English) | 2023-2025 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate, audit si informatica de gestiune (Engleza) Accounting, auditing and management information systems (English) | 2022-2024 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate, audit si informatica de gestiune (Engleza) Accounting, auditing and management information systems (English) | 2021-2023 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate, audit si informatica de gestiune (Engleza) Accounting, auditing and management information systems (English) | 2020-2022 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate, control si expertiza Accounting, controlling and expertise | 2024-2026 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate, control si expertiza Accounting, controlling and expertise | 2023-2025 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate, control si expertiza Accounting, controlling and expertise | 2022-2024 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate, control si expertiza Accounting, controlling and expertise | 2021-2023 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitate, control si expertiza Accounting, controlling and expertise | 2020-2022 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitatea afacerilor (Engleza) Business Accounting (English) | 2021-2023 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitatea afacerilor (Engleza) Business Accounting (English) | 2020-2022 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitatea si fiscalitatea entitatilor economice Accounting and taxation of economic entities | 2024-2026 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitatea si fiscalitatea entitatilor economice Accounting and taxation of economic entities | 2023-2025 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitatea si fiscalitatea entitatilor economice Accounting and taxation of economic entities | 2022-2024 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitatea si fiscalitatea entitatilor economice Accounting and taxation of economic entities | 2021-2023 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Contabilitatea si fiscalitatea entitatilor economice Accounting and taxation of economic entities | 2020-2022 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Informatica de gestiune Management Information Systems | 2024-2026 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Informatica de gestiune Management Information Systems | 2023-2025 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Informatica de gestiune Management Information Systems | 2022-2024 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Informatica de gestiune Management Information Systems | 2021-2023 |
CIG | MASTERAT MASTER STUDIES | CU FRECVENŢĂ FULL-TIME | Informatica de gestiune Management Information Systems | 2020-2022 |